Innovation Spotlight:

 Bloomberg Training

Bloomberg Innovation Training

Glendale is one of 12 cities selected across North America to receive free innovation training from Bloomberg Philanthropies. This training teaches City Staff techniques to put residents at the center of their work, referred to as human-centered design. In the past, cities haven't always considered the perspective of residents when crafting programs and policies. This new way of thinking asks staff to involve stakeholder involvement early on in the process, and consider the quality of interaction with City Hall. The result of this new way of working is a new program, co-created with the community, that establishes a food recovery program to meet the requirements of California Senate Bill 1383. Glendale will soon be piloting this program in the community.  

In Progress:

Introduce Digital Signatures to City Hall Using an Automated Process

 Digital Signatures

We partnered with a team of Lean Six Sigma Black Belt trained employees to replace wet signatures with digital signature for recreation classes at City Hall. The legal groundwork done by the team has led to the easy adoption of digital signatures Citywide during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Demystify Government Business by Training Staff

We are partnering with experienced report writers across City Hall to create a new Staff Report Guide. Approximately 10,000 people per month access reports on Glendale’s new Public Meeting Portal  since its launch in February 2020. The Report Guide will help tailor reports found on the portal to be more accessible and easy for residents to understand.


Modernize Public Safety Recruitment with User-Friendly Site

We are partnering with the Police Department to help attract qualified candidates that reflect the diversity of the community. Approximately 1 in 4 sworn Police staff plan on retiring within the next 5 years. A new recruitment site developed by the Office of Innovation & Performance increases the recruiting power of the Police Department with its user-centered design. The new site helps candidates navigate the complex hiring process in a more intuitive way, keeping them engaged in the process. It makes lengthy application forms and requirements available on the website to help applicants better prepare.


Build a Resilient Workforce with Succession Planning

Succession Planning

We launched a Citywide succession planning strategy to keep our workforce resilient. A 2019 State and Local Government Workforce survey found that 87% of respondents were worried about recruiting and retaining staff with needed skills for public service. City Hall’s new succession strategy ensures that we keep a high level of service through organizational transitions by improving the skill level of City staff and increasing employee retention and job satisfaction.


Improve Access to Digital Library Resources with Digital Reservations Page

Digital Library Reservations

We partnered with the Department of Library, Arts & Culture and the winner of Glendale’s 2018 Tech Week Hackathon to improve the library’s digital reservation system. The new reservation page makes it easier for residents to get their digital library cards through the City’s website. This feature allows residents to better access the library’s resources while remaining socially distant, an important aspect through the COVID-19 pandemic.


Modernized ADU Applications with Online Portal

We are partnering with the Community Development Department to develop a tool to bring ADU permit applications online. Over 330 ADU building permits have been approved since 2018, and the number of applications is increasing every year. The new Camino web platform will allow residents to skip the counter and apply for ADUs completely online. The ability for residents to apply for permits online is even more important given the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting stay at home health orders.


Past Projects:

Simplify Tree Maintenance by Combining Efforts

Tree Management

We partnered with a team of Lean Six Sigma trained staff, the Department of Community Services & Parks, and the Department of Public Works to make tree management more intuitive at City Hall. Glendale has over 48,000 trees of 246 different species just lining our streets alone – not including those in parks and other open spaces. A new consolidated management strategy brought tree management to one department, making it simple for residents to access the information they need.

 lean six sigma  LEAN SIX SIGMA

Speed Up Plan Check Completion Times with Goal Metrics

Fire Plan Check

We partnered with the Fire Prevention Bureau to establish goals for optimal plan check completion times. An internal audit found that a lack of goals prevented the Bureau from objectively measuring their performance. A report from the Office of Innovation & Performance established reasonable goals that allow the Bureau to complete plan checks in a dependable time frame for the community. Giving residents their time back is one of the most valuable things City Hall can do.

 lean six sigma  INNOVATION PROJECT

Establish Easier Access to the Library with Automated Reservations

PC reservation

We partnered with the Library to improve their PC Reservation Page. The website required PERL and HTML programming proficiency that was not familiar to staff. Giovanni Zaarour, Office of Innovation & Performance intern and a winner of Glendale’s Tech Week 2018 Hackathon, has assisted in making the experience more user friendly for community members. These changes are important for the individuals who rely on the Library to access the internet.

 lean six sigma  INNOVATION PROJECT

Spotlight Glendale’s Innovation through the International Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development


In 2019, Glendale was included in the interactive report issued by Bloomberg Philanthropies and the international Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on cities investing in innovation through dedicated staff. We proudly join 144 cities across the world who have dedicated resources to the constant improvement of the lives of their residents. These connections will help us find and share new ways of working with others in our field.


 lean six sigma  INNOVATION PROJECT

Facilitate Organizational Change with Board Games

adversary image

We created a collaborative game, called Adversaries to Innovation, that encourages staff to share strategies that turn “adversaries” in their work life into meaningful allies. Over 40 people have downloaded the free tool since its launch in fall of 2019. The game is meant to help facilitate problem solving techniques in an environment that encourages clever and creative thinking. Adversaries to Innovation is in the public domain, meaning it is a free resource for anyone who wants to use it as an education tool!


 lean six sigma  INNOVATION PROJECT

Capture Missing Revenue for with New Collections Procedures


We partnered with the Fire Prevention Bureau to develop documented collections procedures. An internal audit found that nearly $370,000 was due to the Bureau from 237 different accounts. The new collections procedures help the department review and act on unpaid accounts.

 lean six sigma  INNOVATION PROJECT

Recruit Staff Digitally through User-Friendly Website


We partnered with the Fire Department to build a custom recruitment website, It has attracted over 2,000 applicants to the Fire Department since its creation in June 2019. Its user-centered design helps candidates navigate the complex hiring process in a more intuitive way, keeping them engaged in the process.

 lean six sigma  INNOVATION PROJECT

Train Local High Schoolers in Building Inspection with Talent Pipeline to City Hall


We partnered with the Community Development Department, the International Code Council, and Glendale Unified School District to build a talent pipeline to the Building Inspection profession. The Community Development Department found that 25% of current Building Inspectors plan to retire by 2025. The new talent pipeline will help train the next generation of inspectors while creating meaningful career opportunities for Glendale’s youth.

 lean six sigma  INNOVATION PROJECT

Pilot New Web Experiences Using WordPress


We worked with Lean Six Sigma trained staff to develop and test new solutions to improve the City of Glendale website. The City’s main homepage received approximately 300,000 pageviews in 2019 and the ability to have a human-centered design website is crucial for our community. Our current department site is a pilot test for how improved user experiences could be brought to this large audience.

 lean six sigma  LEAN SIX SIGMA

Manage Grants Effectively Using Automated Analysis


We partnered with Community Services & Parks to develop a toolkit for the City’s Homeless Programs. An internal audit found that approximately 1,210 hours/year of eligible staff hours were not categorized to maximize grant match requirements. Automated tools from the Office of Innovation & Performance helped create efficiencies in the match process.

 lean six sigma  INNOVATION PROJECT

Synergize City Event Planning by Breaking Silos


We partnered Lean Six Sigma trained staff, the Community Services & Parks Department, and the Department of Library, Arts & Culture to combine City event planning efforts. Hundreds of City events were being planned each year without cross-coordination between the two departments. Bringing the departments together created more efficient and user-friendly events for our residents.

 lean six sigma  LEAN SIX SIGMA

Create Organizational Efficiency Through Job Shadowing


We partnered with Lean Six Sigma trained staff to launch a Citywide job shadowing program. 103 City Hall staff participated in over 191 individual cross-training job shadowing events across 15 departments. This allowed staff to share institutional knowledge with each other and see how their individual roles fit into the larger picture of City operations.

 lean six sigma  LEAN SIX SIGMA

Reduce Impact Fee Errors with Digital Fee Calculator


We partnered with the Community Services & Parks Department to create a simple online form that allows developers to calculate their own impact fee. A sample test conducted by internal audit revealed that 35% of fee calculations contained errors. The Digital Fee Calculator reduces errors while giving more time back to city staff and developers.

 lean six sigma  INNOVATION PROJECT