Audiovisual materials include DVDs, books on CD and language instruction recordings.


  • DVDs circulate for 7 days. 20 DVDs can be checked out on a library card. Fines are $.25/day with a $10.00 maximum. Holds may be placed on DVDs.



Audio Books

  • Books on CD circulate free for 3 weeks. Fines are $.25/day with a $10.00 maximum. Holds may be placed on books on CD.
  • Audio books count against the 100 item limit but no other special restrictions apply.


 Music CDs


  • Music CDs count against the 100 item limit with the exception of the Brand Library CD box sets which are limited to 10.



Brand Library & Art Center

  • LPs must be picked up and returned at the Brand Library during open hours.  LPs may not be returned in book drops. Up to 10 CD box sets may be checked out. CDs and DVDs may only be returned in book drop slots designated for audiovisual materials; these are located in Brand Park and at Glendale Central Library.